Art-in-Buildings Installation, in the atrium and lobby of 125 Maiden Lane. 2021-2022

Alteronce Gumby: On Earth as It Is in Heaven

As energy from the sun and the stars reach the earth it becomes color and with it, materializes. For Gumby, this phenomenon is represented in a series of colorful prisms floating across the space, born out of a translucent resin monolith that stands six feet tall, anchoring the room. Set against a reflective backdrop, the installation allows light to refract off the visually rich surfaces Gumby crafts and creates a “living” painting. The composition alludes to Hubble Space Telescope images called the ‘Pillars of Creation,’ which depict rods of cosmic dust where stars are born, much like the suspended pieces of quartz, lapis, and labradorite gemstones within the monolith.

On Earth as It Is in Heaven builds on a metaphysical connection between the celestial and terrestrial through color, light, and energy. Gumby’s visually transcendent installation is born out of the cosmos and the artists own desire to live within his ethereal paintings, offering audiences a new perspective towards color and light. Learn more.


Experimental Printmaking Institute


Cosmic Gardens